Clinical Supervision
Providing a nurturing ethos, alongside constructive feedback and moral support, CNS supervision service challenges received thinking. CNS’s supervision templates are designed to ensure that supervisee’s have a clear and accessible record of their CPD and how this meets the standards 1-4 for HCPC audit purposes, giving Occupational Therapists the space and opportunity to step back and reflect, to take stock, and share best practice.
CNS is uniquely placed to offer guidance and share experience of prioritising and maximising an individual’s clinical skills whilst running a business. CNS also offers shadowing and joint sessions with other professionals, signposting to sources of information in a timely and flexible way and guaranteeing regular support.
This service would be of benefit to:
Newly qualified or experienced OT's looking to progress in their careers, in both independent practice and public sector
Looking for support with CPD, professional and personal development plans
OT's looking for support with CPD, professional and personal development plans
OT's working towards re-registration to return to practice
OT's called to audit by HCPC
OT's establishing an independent practice
OT's wanting to raise standards of practise