Neurological Occupational Therapy
The assessment and treatment of neurological conditions such as Acquired Brain Injury, Stroke, Spinal Cord Injury, MS, Parkinsons. Occupational Therapy provides treatment through therapeutic use of every day activities. We believe at CNS that your current situation should not define your limitations.
For some individuals, this might involve establishing new daily routines, thinking and planning skills, executive cognitive function, fatigue management, returning to an education setting or working environment.
For others this could be supporting discharge from hospital or care setting, adaptations to existing or new property and identifying equipment to maximise participation in activities of daily living.
CNS provide support, assessment and treatment in relation to:
Postural Management
Upper limb rehabilitation
Equipment recommendations
Community reintegration
Fatigue and sleep
Supporting education settings
Mental capacity
Assistive Technology Devices
Neuro-Behavioural management
Support worker/carer training
Medico legal assessment and treatment reports
Linking with social enterprises and charities
Managing how social factors impact on day-to-day function
Accessing leisure and sporting activities
Structure and routine - meaningful occupations
Independent living skills including supporting independent living trials
Multi-disciplinary working, e.g. with Physio, SLT, Psychology and others
Inpatient rehabilitation and discharge into the community
Budgeting and financial management skills
Cognitive skills - memory strategies and fatigue management

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